Muscle Disorders

Muscle Disorder

Muscles help a person move and help the body work. Different types of muscles have different jobs. There are many problems that can affect muscles. Muscle disorders can cause weakness, pain or even paralysis. Some known causes include Injury, too much exercise, Aging and inactivity, sprains or strains, cramps, Genetical problems such as muscular dystrophy, some cancers, inflammation, Diseases of nerves that affect muscles, infections and certain medicines.


Muscle disorders are usually relieved by resting the affected area. Taking of recommended medicines such as pain relievers, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs and if needed later, treatment may include regular exercise and physical therapy sessions. Rheumatoid arthritis which is the known cause of tendonitis is prevented by stretching, cross-training and decreasing intensity when doing exercises. It is treated by medicines such as pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drugs to decrease swelling, steroid injections, and physical therapy or surgery. Myositis can be cured with administration of prednisone