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We continuously strive to keep people healthy and improve their quality of life. You will find many materials and resources with information about various health topics for your reference below. We have created materials with information that is easy to understand to help you keep informed about your health care.

The topics provided below is only for educational purposes.You should always talk with your doctor about what is best for you.


Q: How to deal with Dizziness?
A: Dizziness can be a symptom for various neurological conditions. It can also be related to your medication side effects. People who are recovering from severe illness may feel dizzy very often due to general weakness. Visit a medical professional to confirm.

Immediate remedy is to

  • Lie down on the flat surface, ensure you don't fall down. This helps relax the entire body and gain balance.
  • Slow down your body movements. Sudden changes in posture can result in blood pressure dropping too quickly causing dizziness.
  • Drink enough fluid after a bout of severe dizziness. Dizziness can be due to dehydration.
  • Drink a glass of lime water If nausea and dizziness come together.
Q: What are the common causes for Stroke?
A: A stroke is a medical condition where a blood clot or damaged artery or blood flow blockage to an area of the brain result. Lack of oxygen and glucose flowing to the brain leads to the death of brain cells and damage brain, resulting in impaired speech, movement, and memory.
Q: First aid for brain related accidents
  • A: Cover the wound to Control any significant blood loss. Avoid disturbing blood clots forming in the hair to examine the wound. Reassure the person and try to keep them calm.
  • The injured person should be encouraged to minimise any movement of their head or neck if found concious.
  • If unconscious, the person should not be moved unless they are in immediate danger. Any unnecessary movement may cause complications to the spine and head injury itself.
  • If the person's breathing becomes impaired due to a problem with the airway, you may need to very carefully tilt their head back (and support it) until normal breathing returns.
  • If the person stops breathing or has no pulse, cardiopulmonary resuscitation may be required.
Q: What is Nervous Breakdown?
A: The Nervous breakdown is not a clinical term. It can result from Several episodes of depression. A depression may be caused by genetic and biological factors and are often triggered by social and environmental circumstances. Depression is characterized by a lack of interest, energy and motivation along with feelings of guilt or hopelessness. It is often caused by stressful situations, such as relationship problems, chronic health problems, aftermath of an accident or the death of a loved one. Nervous breakdown may be something like panic attacks, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder.
Q: Dealing with Depression
A: During the time you feel depressed, seek the emotional support of family and friends. This can be enough to get releif from milder depressions. Mild depression can be effectively treated through psychotherapy. In cases of more severe depression, medication is required to restore chemical balances within the brain. Depression is an illness that requires medical attention to be managed effectively. If you are suffering from depression, it is important that you seek professional help.
Q: What is motor neuron disease?
A: Motor Neuron Diseases are a group of degenerative disorders affecting the nerve cells that generate and carry out movement via their action upon muscles. For more information pl refer to the page here
Q: Why do I feel numbness at night?
A: sleeping on one side can lead to impaired blood flow to the organ leading to numbness. There is a high likelihood that you are in the early stages of Carpal Tunnel Strain or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Early diagnosis and treatment with the Carpal Solution will reverse the worst symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Q: Why am i suffering from seizures?
A: For more information on this medical condition pl refer to the page seizures
Q: How can memory loss be managed?
A: Memory loss (dementia) is a very common symptom, and often neglected as normal as the age advances. There are some common and treatable causes of memory loss which include stress, hypothyroidism, and deficiency of vitamin B12. Whenever there is memory problem or forgetfulness in someone, it is advisable to investigate at least for these three conditions first. If after proper resting, reduced stress and multivitamin pills your memory problems persist, you should see a qualified Neurologist for further evaluation.
Q: What causes Paralysis?
A: Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of a body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both sides of your body. Paralysis of one side of face is called "Bell's Palsy" This is thought to be caused by either direct damage to the Facial Nerve or due to viral infection or as secondary damage due to dysfunction of the immune system after a viral infection. Overall, 85-95 % of patients recover near completely, others may have either incomplete or no recovery.
Q: What are migraine triggers?
A: A migraine trigger is any environmental or physiological factor that leads to a headache in individuals. Examples of triggers include stress, sleep disturbances, fasting, bright or flickering lights, cigarette smoke, alcohol, chocolate, nitrites, aspartame and caffeine.
Q: How can I stop getting dreams?
A: It is common to have dreams but if they affect your daytime functioning, you have to visit a physician specialising in sleep disorder medicine who will obtain a comprehensive history in relation to your sleep and do a thorough physical examination and start you on an appropriate treatment.
Q: What are the symptoms of panic attacks?
A: Panic attacks may be symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The symptoms of a panic attack appear suddenly, without any apparent cause. They may include pounding heartbeat or palpitations, chest pains, stomach upset, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, difficulty breathing or fast breathing as a response to stress, tingling or numbness in the hands, hot flashes or chills, trembling and shaking, dreamlike sensation, terror, nervousness about the possibility of losing control and doing something embarrassing, Fear of dying. Although the duration of a panic attack can vary greatly, it typically lasts for more than 10 minutes. It is one of the most distressing conditions that a person can experience, and its symptoms can closely mimic those of a heart attack.